THC gears up for Fitness Festival

Posted by Nobody on 2 June 2011

Tamworth Hockey Club is all set to join a celebration of the town's sport and leisure scene takingplace on Saturday 4 June as the inaugural Tamworth Fitness Festival kicks off.

The sporting spectacular, which takes place in the Castle Grounds, is the start of Tamworth's build up to the Olympic Games.

It was devised to generate interest in sport and promote a more healthy lifestyle.

The idea for the day, which kicks off with a charity fun run, has been embraced by a host of sporting clubs in the town.

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Tamworth Football Club as well as the town's boxing, rugby, volleyball and American Football clubs are among those taking part.

Tamworth Cricket and Hockey Club — who are celebrating their 40th anniversary this year — will also be in attendance.

BMX Crusaders, Commando Fitness Kung Fu Club, Mercia Judokwai Club, the Peel Road Runners and Spital Tennis and Bowling Club will all be there.

Stonydelph Boys FC, Cottage Farm, Tamworth Amateur and RM Cycling are also involved alongside the Lambs and Tamworth's cycling, volleyball and rugby clubs.

The day will also see a host of clubs take part in demonstrations, with Boogie Bounce and Zumba among the activities.

There will be entertainment from NRG Streetdance and Tamworth Male Voice Choir.

"We are looking forward to a fantastic, activity-packed day," said organiser Helen Foster.

"We have used the motto 'live local, play local and support local' in the run up.

"We want to make this a really Tamworth-centric event and show the public all the great fitness and sporting things going on under their noses.

"Hopefully, the day to be an opportunity for Tamworth folk and sports clubs to interact.

"It's a chance for clubs to sell themselves and generate interest from potential new members or supporters.

"At the same time, we want to use the day to promote healthy lifestyles and 'get active' schemes.

"We are hoping to make it into a really fun day and hopefully the weather will be kind to us and we can enjoy a fantastic event."

The event has the support and backing of Tamworth Borough Council.

Tamworth borough council's sports and leisure manager Neil Mason said: "We decided to have a build up to the Olympics a year before.

"This is the biggest event and it should be a good day and a huge event for us.

"We have registered it as a community games on the Olympics website.

"As it builds up to the Olympics, we will be doing more and will be looking at doing local community events."

SnowDome Fitness is offering the chance to win a free spa and fitness day to everyone who visits them on the day.

They are hosting all the Fitness Festival's gym challenges which will be taking place every hour on the hour from 11am in the main arena with great spot prizes to be won.

The Snowdome will also be sponsoring an Orienteering Club quiz where all successful entries will have the chance to win a three-month membership at SnowDome Fitness.

Runners still have time to take part in Saturday's half-mile fun.

The "wacky races" run costs £2 to enter, in advance, or £3 on the day. The cost for children to enter on the day is £2.50.

Money raised will go to charities including St Giles Hospice and the Sharon Fox Cancer Centre in Tamworth.

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